Cristian Sánchez
Member Since March 2015
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Title: | Berserk Fan Art by Cristian Sánchez |
Genre: | Fantasy |
Mediums: | Photoshop |
For Sale: | NFS |
Views: | 2265 |
Posted: | 4/5/2015 |
Status: | Published |
Hi, this is my last illustration, my first here in Infected by Art. It' s a fan art based on a manga which I love: Berserk.
The project has been very gratifying as a study of perspective, composition and lighting over all other things. The goal of this illustration was to represent a scene of the Black Swordsman Arch.
I love this manga and a wish that I have always had was to represent it in a more realistic and cinematographic way. So I decided to put it down into a half way videogame style and half way feature film look. To achieve that, I got the colaboration of Olmo Sobrino, an excellent cinematographer and a good friend of mine.
To reach our goal we did a very deep research of what elements we should consider to represent Gatsu, as much as for the composition as for the lighting: vital tools of cinematographic language. The black swordsman was always surrounded of blackness, fire, destruction and his close and little friend: Pack.
So, in terms of lighting, the blackness is represented with the soft light of the full moon at night. The moon appears at the end of the composition to achieve some drama, it also help us to gather the profile of subjects and objects in distance that would be in pitchblack without the moon.
However the main light is the unstopable rage of our tortured hero: the fire. That house in flames is what makes every single piece of the composition works. It was our purpose to put the fire on the left lighting Gatsu' s tortured profile to leave his more human profile in shadows, as he' s in his life. So as the manga does with the characters, we did it with the lighting: we gave to Pack light enough to give some humanity back to Gatsu' s blackened human side. So there we got the third light source.
The master reference was the superb of the great Roger Deakins in Skyfall where Javier Bardem, at the end of the film, walks in front of a house in flames. That look so brave of the film showed us the villan with backlights help us to find the way to represent Gatsu as a fallen hero that became a demon.
This piece is entirely done with Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq table. The original size is 90x50 cm (35.4x19.8inch).
I hope you guys like this one! Cheers!