Cherrie Button
Member Since January 2015
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Title: | Roving Redcaps |
Genre: | Fantasy |
Mediums: | Colored Pencil, Acrylic, Mixed Media |
For Sale: | NFS |
Views: | 1278 |
Posted: | 11/24/2016 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Cherrie Button
Member Since January 2015
Projects: Bramble Brook Brownies, polymer clay creations Marquettes Puppets build over a wire arniture so they could be used for film or TV. Bramble Brook Puppets, hand and stick puppets in the stile of Brian and Wendy Froud Celtic Jewellry and Tattoo :design book, Pagan Sabbats : grown up colouring artbook make up of paganin inspired black and white images you can colour and compare to my own finished work Fairytails and Spotted Snails, children' s story book that rhymes Trolls Tales and Spotted Snails : follow up to the above Spotted Snails and Slimy Tales : as above
Location: Nottingham, EnglandRedcaps are a type of fairy or goblin who get their name from dipping their hats in the blood of the dieing on battlefield where they salvage bits of armour and equipment for there own use. Here a group of these fellows have gathered together whilst out on patrol. They are dressed in this mix of equipment from different periods some have oversized swords or carry other weapons larnces or even rockets whilst in the background other fairy folk watch just out of reach of the redcaps. The whole image is flanked by two celtic knots each topped with its own little goblin. Prints are avalible to perchase from the artist