Infected By Art Book - Volume 5

Cherrie Button

Member Since January 2015


Artist: Cherrie Button


Artist: Cherrie Button


I'm a fantasy artist with a large celtic inspired streek who enjoys having a challange.In 2000 life gave me that challange when i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Since then i have used it as a oppertunity and do my art with the gole of making my mark in my own way, what ever that takes. "Becoming disabled has only made me want my dream more even if the playing field is not level"  I enjoy being in a room with other artist and talking to the public as its the oppertunity to show and display my work, whilst inspireing other's who may not see their goles as reachable. Its our job to inspire the next generation and push the envalop whilst we are here :)

My work has appeared in magazines and articals around the world as well as on a number of album covers including ;Spirogyra, Away with the Fairies, Beneath the Oak etc.

Name: Cherrie Button 
Joined: January 2015

Bramble Brook Brownies, polymer clay creations Marquettes Puppets build over a wire arniture so they could be used for film or TV.

Bramble Brook Puppets, hand and stick puppets in the stile of  Brian and Wendy Froud

Celtic Jewellry and Tattoo :design book,

Pagan Sabbats : grown up colouring artbook make up of paganin inspired black and white images you can colour and compare to my own finished work

Fairytails and Spotted Snails, ;children's story book that rhymes

Trolls Tales and Spotted Snails : follow up to the above

Spotted Snails and Slimy Tales : as above


Location: Nottingham, England

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