Infected By Art Book - Volume 6

Jennifer Hawkyard

Member Since December 2017


Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard


About Jennifer Hawkyard

Jennifer Hawkyard is a multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in remote West Wales. She specialises in creating intuitively led channelled artworks and messages for her clientele all over the world. Her work is multi-dimensional, colourful and imbued with layers of insight, love and significance. She has worked with best-selling author Kyle Gray to create The Angel Guide Oracle, The Gateway of Light Activation Oracle and The Divine Masters Oracle. She has also self-published her own creativity journal filled with inspiring artwork and channelled messages to encourage the reader to explore their creativity and intuition.

She can be found on the internet under the pseudonym Jezhawk on most platforms and sells a wide variety of prints and products on her website

Name: Jennifer Hawkyard 
Joined: December 2017
Location: Wales

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