Infected By Art Book - Volume 6

Soutchay Soungpradith

Member Since October 2013


Artist: Soutchay Soungpradith


About Soutchay Soungpradith

Soutchay Soungpradith is a professional artist that specializes in the imaginative realism genre. He was born in Laos on January 8, 1978. Soutchay and his family arrived to the United States in 1981 with the help of the Grace United Methodist Church located in Coshocton, Ohio. Upon graduating from Coshocton High School in 1996, he was awarded a scholarship from the Columbus College of Art & Design where he went on to study illustration. After an abbreviated stay, he ventured off to pursue music. Years later he returned to the field of art and began building a body of work. In 2013 he was nominated for a Chesley Award. His art has been published and is in the hands of internationally recognized collectors. He was the guitarist and lead singer of the hard rock trio Dead Mans Dew from 2012 to 2020. Within that time they performed with national acts that were on tour and also released their first EP, “Nucleus Lepidoptera,” to the World in May of 2019. Along with traditional painting he continues to create original songs and is now writing and recording his debut solo EP, “Inhale Eternity, Exhale Infinity,” set to be released in 2023. He currently resides with his wife and two daughters in Columbus, Ohio.
Name: Soutchay Soungpradith 
Joined: October 2013
Location: Westerville, OH.

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