Infected By Art Book - Volume 7

Devon Dorrity

Member Since November 2018


Artist: Devon Dorrity


Artist: Devon Dorrity


Artist: Devon Dorrity


Devon Dorrity is a sculptor of fantastic beasts and beautiful creatures. His work has been 
included in Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, four times. His monumental 
sized bronze sculpture, Queen of the Seas, was included in the Best of Spectrum Exhibit in New 
York City’s Museum of American Illustration. In 2014 he won the Chesley for Dimensional Art 
with Queen of the Seas. He has done graphic design for over 20 years, and has done numerous 
professional book cover designs. One of his book cover designs was selected for the Spectrum 
21 Art Annual.
Name: Devon Dorrity 
Joined: November 2018

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