Infected by Art Book - Volume 8

Grant Griffin

Member Since December 2015


Artist: Grant Griffin


About Grant Griffin


I am a freelance illustrator and a specialist in fantasy and science fiction.  I have been illustrating for cover, cards, ads, and games out of my home studio in Austin for the past 5 years, and until a recent series of serendipitous events, found myself transitioning into a life nomadic. 

For the Time Being, I have set up shop in the lovel beach town of San Juan Del Sur, passing the time munching on fried plantains, brewing the freshest coffee, and of course, illustrating all things fantasy and science fiction. 

I available for comission and always on the look out for exciting new projects.  For updates on my work check:

Name: Grant Griffin 
Joined: December 2015
Location: Austin, TX

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