Infected by Art Book - Volume 8

Celeste Giuliano

Member Since December 2019


Artist: Celeste Giuliano


Artist: Celeste Giuliano


Artist: Celeste Giuliano


The works of Seidman & Celeste are a collaboration between photographer Celeste Giuliano and dark digital surrealist David Seidman.

From Arch Enemy Arts:

"After many years of solo works with Arch Enemy, dark digital surrealist David Seidman and photographer Celeste Giuliano are teaming up as a husband and wife duo for a very special collaboration. The exclusive collection brings two masters of their mediums together, merging Celeste’s highly stylized portrait photography with David’s sense of surrealism for an exciting and personal collection that they have both been waiting to collaborate on for nearly 20 years."

Name: Celeste Giuliano 
Joined: December 2019

Hypnochromatic - Mini-feature at Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia (October 2019)

Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA

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