Infected by Art Book - Volume 9

Iņigo Maestro Guadilla

Member Since February 2013

About Iņigo Maestro Guadilla

Multidisciplinary and self-taught artist who has moved through different audiovisual fields such as cinema, theater, advertising, graphic arts and animation. He has worked on all kinds of projects as a creative director, filmmaker, illustrator, graphic designer, 2D and 3D animator, video compositor, art director, photographer and even scriptwriter. After working for several years in the 3D animation industry, whose projects include the TV series "Yoko" (2015) and the film "Yoko & his friends" (2015), he has focused on his facet as an illustrator, with “Nobel Run” and “Block Miners” being his first tabletop games.

Name: Iņigo Maestro Guadilla 
Joined: February 2013
Location: Galdakao, Bilbao (Spain)

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