Infected by Art Book - Volume 10

Yosh Reyez

Member Since September 2013


Artist: Yosh Reyez


Artist: Yosh Reyez


About Yosh Reyez

Yosh Reyez, a native to Texas, currently resides in Tucson, Arizona.
He received his B.F.A. in Studio Art from The University of Texas at Austin in 2011.
Yosh is an independent traditional-media artist whose work ranges from the whimsical to the grotesque, from life-like portraiture to landscapes.
He is currently creating sequential art for his comic characters Agmutha and Axsorg! He is also creating a series of still life paintings centered around magical and sacred objects.
On his spare time, he is raising an Orc army. 
Name: Yosh Reyez 
Joined: September 2013


Location: Tucson, Arizona

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