Infected by Art Book - Volume 10

Matthew Spencer

Member Since March 2014


Artist: Matthew Spencer


About Matthew Spencer

Matthew Spencer is a queer & trans illustrator from Michigan. His work appears in The Chromatic Fates Tarot, Wyrmwood's Corrupted Tarot, and Unfettered Hexes: Queer Tales of Insatiable Darkness (an anthology for which he also illustrated an oracle deck). When not creating artwork for freelance clients, Matt spends his time illustrating his own Courtly Beasts Tarot and finding ways to combine his love of moody watercolors with the inspiration he draws from history, folklore, and nature. 

Name: Matthew Spencer 
Joined: March 2014

Courtly Beasts Tarot (ongoing personal project)
Wyrmwood's Corrupted Tarot
Color Tarot Project's Chromatic Fates Tarot
Unfettered Hexes
Alia Terra: Stories from the Dragon Realm

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan

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