Infected by Art Book - Volume 12

Sebastian Gomez

Member Since April 2016


Artist: Sebastian Gomez


Artist: Sebastian Gomez


Artist: Sebastian Gomez


Artist: Sebastian Gomez


Artist: Sebastian Gomez


I am Sebastian Gomez, an illustrator based in Dover NJ but I was born in Medellin Colombia and came to the U.S with my family to follow my dreams. I make pictures as a way to bring to life all the fantasies and stories stuck in my head since childhood. These stories are usually filled with mythical creatures, monsters, warriors and heroes which have been ingrained in my imagination through my early inspirations. My major early inspirations are mostly animals both real and imagined from dinosaurs and dragons to tigers and wolves. My goal through my work is to help the viewer get the same sense of wonder and immersion I get while creating it. As much as my work can be serious and fantastical, I also enjoy making humorous scenarios that also take me back to being a kid.

Name: Sebastian Gomez 
Joined: April 2016
  • I have worked on some character illustrations for Paizo Inc. and their Pathfinder Society Scenario game.
  • I worked on the Scholastic childrens book "If You Were a Kid in a Medieval Castle" written by Josh Gregory. 
  • Illustration of Stephen King for IDW Publishing's Full Bleed Magazine. 
  • Illustration for Titan Books 35 year anniversary Aliens Art book
  • Illustration for Titan Books Firefly Art book
  • Illustration for Art Order's Beneath The Waves

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