Joe Hill's first professional fiction submission was a SPIDER-MAN script, which he sent to Marvel Comics in 1984, at the age of twelve years old. It was turned down, but Joe received a handwritten note from then editor-in-chief Jim Shooter. It was impossible to read. He likes to believe it said, "You rock, kid! This is talent, baby!" Although it is possible the note actually said, "You rot, kid! This is toilet paper!" Twenty years later, Joe Hill sold his first comic script... an eleven-page story for SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED. Shortly after saw the publication of his first novel, the New York Times Bestselling HEART-SHAPED BOX. He is also the author of HORNS and a book of stories, 20th CENTURY GHOSTS. He's won some prizes, most recently the 2011 Eisner Award for Best Writer. Hill and his separated-at-birth twin Gabriel Rodriguez have been working on the award-winning ongoing supernatural saga, LOCKE & KEY, since 2007.