Born on a Halloween morning of 1985, Karla Ortiz grew up on the island of Puerto Rico. Today, she is a passionate artist who enjoys working on a diverse and wide variety of projects. As a concept artist with over 6 years of professional experience, Karla has worked for Paragon Studios/NcSoft, Ubisoft, Kabam, Industrial Light and Magic, and now Marvel Studios. As a professional Illustrator her clients include Wizards of the Coast,Ace Books,Bace & Mayer books, Tor Books and has provided cover work and art for various independent authors and toy makers. As a fine artist her work has shown in Studio Gallery SF, the Safehouse studios, Spoke Art Gallery, Nucleus Gallery, Thinkspace Art Gallery and Hashimoto Contemporary. Karla loves good music, good stories, good laughs and good food. She paints her days away with her cat Keedy Bady, and that's how she likes it.