Breaching by Matthew Huntley

Breaching Artwork by Matthew Huntley
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Art Details

Title: Breaching
Date Created: 2018
Copyright: © Matthew Huntley
Genre: Sci Fi
Mediums: Oils
Views: 593
Posted: 10/14/2018

About the Artist

Matthew Huntley
Member Since June 2015

Projects: Matthew Huntley is currently focused on his personal work, Vigilant Lioness.

Location: Indiana

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"Fishing boats had been reporting scattered sightings of something massive below the waves for weeks. You have to understand, this was before the early detection systems, back when people were still optimistic that whatever was causing these huge creatures to come ashore was going to end soon. Back before it became a regular thing. It was good timing that she was there, but it wasn't luck. Her friend and colleague, the Director, had cultivated an instinct for knowing which sightings to believe and which to ignore." A work from my personal project Vigilant Lioness, where I explore feminism, masculinity, and gender roles through science fiction inspired by Power Rangers, Godzilla, and the things I grew up with. Breaching, 2018, oil on canvas, 18 x 24 inches.

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