The Traveler by Allen Panakal

The Traveler  Artwork by Allen Panakal
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Art Details

Title: The Traveler
Date Created: 01/2018
Copyright: © Copyright 2018 Panakal Art Ltd.
Genre: Sci Fi
Mediums: Digital, Photoshop, Illustrator
Views: 515
Posted: 11/25/2018

About the Artist

Allen Panakal
Member Since December 2014


Location: Chicago

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THE TRAVELER - KEYBINDER TO THE WORLD MACHINE Human in appearance in every way. His species are the direct ascendants to the human race. He has no idea what happened to his people due to the fact that he’s lost all memories related to his past, almost as if they were blocked out or removed. Strangely enough, he knows about the artifact on Earth and that somehow he’s tied into it. He also understands that if it falls into the wrong hands it would be devastating and take away any chance of finding out his past. He has a desperate need to know what happened to his people and though he feels at home on Earth, he knows that it’s not. His search for them takes him to the far reaches of the galaxy where he encounters the last remains of a race who are known only as The Ancient Ones…

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