Coursender by Corinne Hansen

Coursender Artwork by Corinne Hansen
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Art Details

Title: Coursender
Date Created: 12/6/2020
Copyright: © Corinne Hansen
Genre: Unpublished Art
Mediums: Ink, CS6
Views: 291
Posted: 12/7/2020

About the Artist

Corinne Hansen
Member Since July 2019


Location: United States

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In times of dark and sorrow mistaken omens may appear, they are guardians of souls take flight with no fear, search far for the key of hope to bring good luck in the new year. I originally drew this crow while thinking of my good friend. Her spiritual familiar is a crow and we have both always shared in our love of keys. My friend introduced me to the story of the rainbow crow who brought the key of hope to its community. This piece was penciled and inked traditionally. When deciding to focus on painting this digitally, I wanted to pull in some rainbow color as well as some good luck symbols. While researching, I came across the idea that only 1 crow is bad luck while 2 crows is good luck, 3 crows is good health, and 4 crows will bring wealth. Besides the other guiding souls, I added the three crow spirits in the background to bring my friend better luck in the new year.

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