Moonlit Run by Heather Hitchman

Moonlit Run Artwork by Heather Hitchman
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Art Details

Title: Moonlit Run
Date Created: 10.20.20
Copyright: © Heather R. Hitchman
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Watercolor, Gouache, Colored Pencil
Views: 458
Posted: 12/7/2020

About the Artist

Heather Hitchman
Member Since January 2015

Projects: Terratoff - A paranormal fantasy fairytale world of art & stories!

Location: Lake Mary, FL, USA

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In Terratoff, "Dark" unicorns are the nocturnal breed of unicorn. They have thicker and slightly darker coats than the average unicorn in order to camouflage themselves in the night, and to protect themselves from cooling temperatures. Unlike other breeds, the "Dark" unicorns gather their strength from sparkling moonlight. They love to gallop across the open fields to soak up the magic of the moon. Thanks to their dark coats and reclusive nature, they blend right in to the darkness of the night. Spotting one on their nightly run is considered quite lucky! Dark unicorns are the bulkiest breed, but are generally quite unassuming and sweet tempered. However, they are known to be more aggressive when challenged. They will often choose to fight an enemy instead of run away from them. They can grow quite big and could easily tackle a small dragon if need be!

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