It's Under the Fog by Kayla Ascencio

It's Under the Fog  Artwork by Kayla Ascencio
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Art Details

Title: It's Under the Fog
Copyright: © Kayla Ascencio
Genre: Horror
Mediums: Airbrush, Watercolor, Colored Pencil
Views: 943
Posted: 11/18/2013

About the Artist

Kayla Ascencio
Member Since December 2012

Location: United States

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Frozen in fear, she can hear the heavy breathing of the creature all around her. She anxiously waits for it to strike.

This one was based off of a nightmare I had sometime last year. I never ever have nightmares, but this dream terrified me. I knew there was a werewolf after me. It was really dark, so I couldn't see anything just could hear really heavy breathing all around me. Then all of a sudden the breathing came up right behind me down my neck. That's when I woke up scared to death and convinced it was actually in the room with me.

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