First Colonies by jeff sturgeon

First Colonies Artwork by jeff sturgeon
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Art Details

Title: First Colonies
Date Created: 7/2020
Copyright: © jeff sturgeon
Genre: Illustrated
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 391
Posted: 12/8/2020

About the Artist

jeff sturgeon
Member Since October 2015

Projects: Last Cities of Earth is a universe depicting humanity' s survival in the face of global catastrophe. Born from the mind&rsquo s eye of, award-winning artist, Jeff Sturgeon. Last Cities of Earth is a stunning collection of tales and imagery. For years, Jeff envisioned entire cities floating above the clouds. At first, a single metropolis emerged. Then, over time, more and more massive structures seemingly rose into the sky. As Jeff revealed his vision to colleagues in 2014 of lofty, floating civilizations, six fateful words were uttered: &ldquo Jeff, why aren&rsquo t you painting them?&rdquo After decades bringing other creators&rsquo dreams from aether to reality, Jeff picked up his brush to breath life into this new world swirling in his imagination. For the next two years, paintings were exhibited. Other creators fell in love with Jeff&rsquo s vision and found inspiration to create within his mythology of Last Cities of Earth. There is no end to the creativity sparked by Jeff&rsquo s striking images. Short stories, novellas, coloring books, illustrations, schematics, novels, digital fusions of his paintings&hellip The World, it seemed, was endless. &ldquo The beginning stages of the project consumed me,&rdquo Jeff said. &ldquo In creating Last Cities of Earth - the paintings and their stories - I found that there was no clearing my mind after creating a single image. The world was too big and the stories, too many. Helping Jeff to tell those tales, the anthology will include stories by Kevin J. Anderson, Brenda Cooper, David Gerrold, Jim Wright, Mike Resnick, Andrea Stewart, Jody Lynn Nye, Steve Perry, Raven Oak, J.A. Pitts, Cat Rambo, Peter J. Wacks, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Steven Lee Sears, and Todd Lockwood, with editing by Manny Frishberg and Jennifer Brozek.

Location: Monroe WA

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