Monstrous Encounter by Christopher Burdett

Monstrous Encounter  Artwork by Christopher Burdett
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Art Details

Title: Monstrous Encounter
Date Created: 1/14/2014
Copyright: © Christopher Burdett
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Colored Pencil
Views: 1251
Posted: 1/15/2014

About the Artist

Christopher Burdett
Member Since January 2014

Projects: Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, numerous Star Wars projects, Pathfinder, Kaijudo, Dreamblade, and many more. Book one from The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia is now out, and the following two books are in the works.

Location: Florida

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The first piece of Jeff's that really got me thinking about art and monsters, and the greater possibilities of both, was the cover of the AD&D Monster Manual 2. As a kid the cover for the MM2 completely blew me away. I just could not understand how something like that painting could be created. It truly and profoundly altered my expectations and understanding of art and monsters.

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