The Lurking Wisdom by Damjan Gjorgievski

The Lurking Wisdom Artwork by Damjan Gjorgievski
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Art Details

Title: The Lurking Wisdom
Date Created: 22.06.2022
Copyright: © Damjan Gjorgievski
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 371
Posted: 10/1/2022

About the Artist

Damjan Gjorgievski
Member Since January 2019

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“Rumors of a hidden settlement high in the Mudrhas mountains are spread all around the world. Some call it the Place of knowledge, some call it the Owl’s Kingdom, some the Palace of Wisdom. Whatever the name of the mountain or settlement is, one theme is retold all over… The theme of knowledge, wisdom, practices and secrets passed on from one generation to another, with the single purpose of preserving knowledge and wisdom accumulated through the ages. In many cultures, it is said that a giant mythical owl lurks there, which is fed by the local monks with their thoughts.”

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