Sphinx's Counsel by Daneen Wilkerson

Sphinx's Counsel Artwork by Daneen Wilkerson
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Art Details

Title: Sphinx's Counsel
Date Created: 2022
Copyright: © Daneen Wilkerson
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 185
Posted: 12/7/2022

About the Artist

Daneen Wilkerson
Member Since December 2015

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A vortex of light erupts in the temple labyrinth, encompassing the militant caravan in dazzling waves of brilliant color. The sphinx’s feathers spread to become a flurry: her wings appear to surround the troops, her headdress rises to eclipse the sun. “The time for war has come and gone,” her voice booms. “All of your possible futures end in misery and ruin, save the one where you lay down your blade.” “Are you having a laugh?” a crass knight croaks. The captain lunges, reaching as if to grab the words from the knight’s mouth, but she is too late. The royal blade shatters into glorious fragments, each one reflecting and magnifying the light to ferocious effect. The knight drops to his knees, writhing in agony, clawing at his face. Through blood-soaked eyes, he catches the gaze of his captain, and the sphinx’s final echo: “Now is a time for peace.” -Daneen Wilkerson (personal work)

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