Hatchling by Katy Grierson

Hatchling Artwork by Katy Grierson
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Art Details

Title: Hatchling
Date Created: 17/03/2022
Copyright: © Katy Grierson
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 186
Posted: 12/8/2022

About the Artist

Katy Grierson
Member Since June 2015

Projects: Client list:
Synapses Games
Galactic Raptor Games
Many Sided Dice
Fantasy Flight Games
Cryptozoic Entertainment
3D Total Publishing
Stonemaier Games

Location: England

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The egg had been cracked and the tiny being inside had perished in the cave. It deserved a proper burial beneath the sky and the trees in the fey forest. As Lilly used magic to ask the trees to shift just a little so it could be burried beneath the sky, the egg drew the magic to ifself and glowed slightly. Lilly cast another spell, the egg did the same and a chirping came from within. Moments later the dragonling hatched and crawled into her arms.

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