Shadow-tail by Adam S Doyle

Shadow-tail Artwork by Adam S Doyle
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Art Details

Title: Shadow-tail
Date Created: 9/22
Copyright: © Adam S Doyle
Genre: Unpublished Art
Mediums: Oils
Views: 185
Posted: 12/8/2022

About the Artist

Adam S Doyle
Member Since December 2014

Projects: Adam S Doyle' s paintings exhibit in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, Hong Kong, and in Europe. He illustrates with a focus on book coves and card games with an array of publishers including Tor, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, Lerner Books, Saga Press, Solaris Books, The Atlantic Monthly, and Fantasy Flight Games.

Location: United States

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As city wildlife goes, squirrels are generally welcome and do well in the urban landscape. The funny thing is, they didn't originally choose to be here. They were taken from forests to Central Park in NYC in the 1870s, as well as other cities like Boston and Washington, DC, to revitalize the concrete jungle. Led by founding landscape architect and conservationist Frederick Law Olmsted, he introduced them to live among us in an effort improve mental health and compassion towards animals. The word "squirrel" traces back through Middle English, French, Latin, and originally Greek, meaning "shadow-tail."

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