Balcony Landing by Katy Grierson

Balcony Landing Artwork by Katy Grierson
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Art Details

Title: Balcony Landing
Date Created: 19th Dec 2022
Copyright: © Katy Grierson
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 170
Posted: 12/4/2023

About the Artist

Katy Grierson
Member Since June 2015

Projects: Client list:
Synapses Games
Galactic Raptor Games
Many Sided Dice
Fantasy Flight Games
Cryptozoic Entertainment
3D Total Publishing
Stonemaier Games

Location: England

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A moment later, an enraged roar echoed from somewhere in the darkness. “She’s coming.” “By Sul, she never is,” the captain growled from behind Elmes, while he sat dumb and shaking. “Tell me how. Now.” “I…I…” Enoch was once again plucking at his sleeves and looking into the void beyond the ruined masonry. “She can use magic. Oh no…” His voice trailed off into a terrified silence, and they all followed his gaze. From the darkness, the demon descended. It landed on the edge of the ruined balcony, leaving scratches in the polished marble. A pair of wings folded against its back then melted away into shadow. The scent of burnt fur reached their noses. Despite the strength of the spell, it had only made her angry.

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