Odin's Sacrifice for Knowledge by Kassandra Grob

Total Votes: 1
Odin's Sacrifice for Knowledge Artwork by Kassandra Grob
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Total Votes: 1

Art Details

Title: Odin's Sacrifice for Knowledge
Date Created: 2013
Copyright: © Kassandra Grob
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Charcoal, Graphite, Pen
Views: 678
Posted: 10/22/2014

About the Artist

Kassandra Grob
Member Since October 2014

Projects: This work is a recreation of mythological scenes and men of power, with the figures represented as female. I am interested in the relationship of the roles of women to depictions of men in power. The gender reversals are important because these classic characters typically have female counterparts that are identical in their abilities but far less emphasized in the stories. Across the mythologies typically featured in traditional art, the power of the male gods, and the subjugation of their female equivalents is obvious as is the objectification of women in art. I focus on the repetition of the same figure to create a narrative in the pictorial space of one drawing&rsquo s picture plane the different points in the story are not divided into separate pieces, but are merged like the stories in Renaissance paintings. I simplify the forms of objects and environments in the work to put the focus on the figures. These works blend subjects that are depicted in a lot of traditional work with a new style that sits on the boundary between fantasy illustration and fine art. I am questioning the categories where we are told art exists through the process of making this body of work, and reversing the presentation of women in art history from objects of the male gaze to positions of dominion.

Location: Wisconsin

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