Don't Drink the Water by Sean Bodley

Don't Drink the Water Artwork by Sean Bodley
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Art Details

Title: Don't Drink the Water
Date Created: 2015
Copyright: © Sean Bodley
Genre: Illustrated
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 786
Posted: 11/16/2015

About the Artist

Sean Bodley
Member Since November 2015

Projects: Various self-published freelance illustration, plein air series, and public art.

Location: Lemont, Pennsylvania, USA

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If you were forced to decide between drinking polluted water and dying of thirst, which would you choose? How about a shower, or not? There are people who must make this choice because they lack access to adequate water treatment systems. According to the Gates Foundation “Poor sanitation contributes to about 700,000 child deaths from diarrhea each year.” Many of us take clean water for granted without realizing that enormous resources go into maintaining the high level of sanitation. Most of us can agree that the cost is worth it. Developing countries often have a difficult time building such systems because of their expense. This painting is about the true cost of polluted water: lives. I hope the work inspires an urge to be grateful for clean water and a desire to see every child grow up with good water treatment.

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