Wife of the Ash Tree by Kayla Ascencio

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Wife of the Ash Tree Artwork by Kayla Ascencio
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Art Details

Title: Wife of the Ash Tree
Copyright: © Kayla Ascencio
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Acrylic
Views: 959
Posted: 11/20/2015

About the Artist

Kayla Ascencio
Member Since December 2012

Location: United States

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This painting is based off of a Scandinavian species of fairy called the Eschenfrau or Aksafroa. I read about them in the incredible book Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark: Blackwood’s Guide to Dangerous Fairies. The fairy is believed to be connected to one specific tree as a protector and resident. She is also known as wife of the ash tree. In the book, a man Blackwood interviewed claimed to have seen one emerge from the tree as if she were part of it leaving a hollow behind. She would return to the tree looking human and beautiful. The Enchenfrau would climb back into the hollow of the tree with the flesh returning back into her natural form giving the appearance there had never been anything but a tree all along. I wanted to portray my take on the story showing the moment when she returns to her ash tree. I wanted to take it a step further also showing my interpretation what happens to anyone that she feels threatens her environment.

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