A.B. Word
Member Since November 2015
Collaborates with her husband, Barrie Lynn Bryant, a picture frame designer, maker, carver, and gilder, to create complete frameworks for sale and exhibition. Since 1999 the couple have kept a rigorous appearances touring schedule bringing original artwork to audiences by exhibiting in numerous juried outdoor art festivals, regional fantasy and science fiction conventions, WorldCons, World Horror Cons, World Fantasy Cons, and the infamous Comic Con International San Diego Artist Alley. The artists cross-over market boundaries by bringing Imaginative Realism to uninitiated audiences at national juried outdoor art festivals, and finely framed gallery quality work never intended to illustrate fantasy literature and other genre related media to cons.
A.B.' s artwork, Long Hot Summer, has just won Juror' s Choice Award in the highly competitive " Drawing Discourse" contemporary drawing exhibition in Asheville, NC currently running from Jan. 15 - Feb. 12, 2016. Hosted by University of North Carolina Asheville and juried by contemporary realist Edgar Jerins. A full color exhibition catalogue is NOW AVAILABLE from Blurb Books at the following link: http://www.blurb.com/b/6805264-drawing-discourse?t=1452870620680.
Location: Kirby, Wyoming