Oliver Wetter
Member Since November 2012
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Title: | Abandoned AT-ST in the Forest |
Genre: | Sci Fi |
Mediums: | Photoshop |
For Sale: | NFS |
Views: | 2336 |
Posted: | 5/11/2016 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Finally, here it is my most recent inceptionism painting and addition to the Ancient Kaiju Project. View the full piece and a wallpaper version here: http://fav.me/da27fy2 It took over 40 hours to finish but it was lots of fun. Original work (the forest) is from Heinrich Bö hmer. This work is from around 1890-1927 and belongs to the public domain. In the upcoming book on composition techniques I will show how I added upon the great work of Bö hmer instead of subtracting from it. As patron, you can get the first book here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ebook-for-1-5387932 Or on Gumroad: https://gum.co/KhAb There is a Process GIF available that shows the quantity of compositional tools as layover, that suggests how Bö hmer created his awesome art and how I built upon that - as patron you can view or download this animated GIF here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/at-st-tools-gif-5431154