Infected By Art Book - Volume 5

Elario Dalmas II

Member Since December 2014


Artist: Elario Dalmas II


Artist: Elario Dalmas II


About Elario Dalmas II

I have been drawing since I was a kid. I loved working in color pencils until I discovered oil pastels and then oil paints in high school. Most of my family has oil paintings of my landscapes- which used to be my favorite to paint.
I was always enamored with computers- writing my own software and developing my own devices (or modifying circuits to suit my tastes). Despite my art teacher's pleadings- I majored in computer science at college. I originally wanted to do game design work, but then I changed majors and completed two engineering degrees (Electrical Engineering Technology and Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology). In fact, my day job is a Manufacturing Engineer where I figure out how to make devices and program the machines to do so (among many other things).
I remember being amazed at a digital painting that was done on a computer in the early 1980s...a beautiful painting of a redhead was featured in one of my computer magazines. I had my parents buy me a digital drawing tablet and some software for my Atari 800XL...but I was never happy with its abilities nor mine. I later played with Photoshop 2.0 in the 1990s and was still disappointed. I started using GIMP and Photoshop Elements in the 2000s...and they work decently. I really found my favorite program when I started using Black Ink in 2014. Although Mischief is a great program as well.
Name: Elario Dalmas II 
Joined: December 2014

Location: Macungie, PA, USA

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