Infected By Art Book - Volume 6

so MK

Member Since September 2014


Artist: so MK


Artist: so MK


About so MK

After studying Math, SoMK spent several years at the creative end of the advertising business, and accidentally ended up as a teacher of programming languages for the computer industry. In 2001, blissfully unaware, she embarked on a full-time artistic career, becoming a painter, sculptor and jewelry maker!

Her love of precision, blown up deadlines, detail and hard work and the proven 'recipes' that she has rediscovered and incorporated in her work, shine through the simplicity and patience involved in creating the traditional technique of illumination. Be it in jewelry or illustration, SoMK draws her inspiration from a variety of sources - a combination of nature, history, fantasy, science-fiction, horror and whisky.

Name: so MK 
Joined: September 2014

In between a few conventions, I'll be working on commissioned pieces and illustrations for a Publishing company. After that, I will go back to my own projects, namely finishing the triptych and all the current paintings following the Estones. The idea behind that is of course to have enough for a book in the long run but I won't rush. Especially because I like to accept commissioned works in between or make some new jewelry pieces or sculpture to vary the pleasures ;)

Location: Provins/Magog

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