Infected by Art Book - Volume 9

Selene Crezzini

Member Since September 2020


Artist: Selene Crezzini


Artist: Selene Crezzini


About Selene Crezzini


Selene Crezzini is a Fine Artist and Illustrator. Since her young age a pencil and a paper have always been part of her life.

Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, she had the opportunity to know and master various techniques, from the traditional ones like painting to the more contemporary ones like videoart.

In her works there is a strong connection with human figure, but in the meantime there are fantastical unlikely details, trying to represent the mind of the subjects.

She usually find inspiration from personal experiences or her surroundings, while other times it happens that it appear in her dreams, so she says.

During these years of study and not, she has partecipated to various exhibitions like Anabasis o dell’Arte Sacra (2018), Premio Nazionale di Fotografia e Pittura Basilio Cascella LXIII edizione (2019) and took part at the scientific event Bright: La notte dei ricercatori (2019).

Actually she lives in Tuscany, where she’s keeping up her works.

Name: Selene Crezzini 
Joined: September 2020

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