Infected by Art Book - Volume 12

Christiane Ebrecht

Member Since December 2023


Artist: Christiane Ebrecht


Artist: Christiane Ebrecht


About Christiane Ebrecht

Christiane Ebrecht is a German illustrator and concept artist.

She works at Massive Miniteam, an indie game studio as the lead artist for their current project. In her freelance work, she enjoys painting in a variety of styles and loves to explore new concepts and ideas. These days she mostly focuses on fantasy illustration but adores horror themes as well as the occasional touch of sci fi.

Name: Christiane Ebrecht 
Joined: December 2023
  • Lead Artist "Oddsparks - An Automation Adventure"; Massive Miniteam,
  • Cover Artwork "Fading Suns - Lost Worlds"; Ulisses Spiele,
  • Various Arrtworks for "The Dark Eye"; Ulisses Spiele
Location: Duesseldorf, Germany

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