Wall of Roses by Elaine Ho

Wall of Roses Artwork by Elaine Ho
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Art Details

Title: Wall of Roses
Date Created: 2018-12-01
Copyright: © Art of Elaine Ho
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Digital, Photoshop
Views: 473
Posted: 12/3/2019

About the Artist

Elaine Ho
Member Since November 2017

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The rose garden had consumed the entire house, carpeting the back wall with a riotous combination of purple, red, pink and white. There were small roses that spread wide and exposed their pistils, while others were the size of a small cabbage with hundreds of petals overlapping in on itself. A cluster of bright yellow on the ground caught her attention, the triangle-shaped flowers containing a deep red core in its center. She delighted in the sweet and crisp scent that filled the air, a fresh change to the smoky oil and burned sandalwood that she had endured for years past. A piece from THE TEMPEST AND THE FIRE, a Beauty and the Beast retelling.

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