Sealed in a sunken crumbling temple in a primordial jungle bordering two warring, desperate lands, the Key of Cthulhu has been discovered and brought to the light of day. Its bronze skin is slick and weathered by the countless years of futile caressing by blind and feeble-minded worshipers. The dark alien stone of its pedestal bears the wear of millennia of dripping onyxian stalactites and the crawling of obscene, alien insects.
A lone surviving member of Joyner Studio's first expedition was found clutching this very same idol in his pale bloodless hands, blind and gibbering in an exotic dead language, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".
Cold Cast Bronze
Height: 20 inches
Width: 12 inches
Weight: 10 lbs approximate