Give Me Myself Again by Krisztina Lazar

Jury voting begins on December 8, 2024.

Give Me Myself Again Artwork by Krisztina Lazar
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Jury voting begins on December 8, 2024.

Art Details

Title: Give Me Myself Again
Date Created: 2008
Copyright: © @KrisztinaLazar
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Oils
Views: 12
Posted: 10/14/2024

About the Artist

Krisztina Lazar
Member Since October 2024

Projects: Krisztina Lazar is an Imaginary Realist artist primarily working in oil paint, watercolor and drawing. She is a Mische Technique lineage holder, a mixture of oil and egg tempera painting revolutionized by modern master, Ernst Fuchs. This technique creates an opalescent under painting that the colors are then glazed over, rendering each painting out of light rather than shadow, bringing the images to life with fractal clarity.

Location: Vallejo, CA

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The Phoenix is a character in our collective unconscious and one that has found a home throughout time in every culture’s myths, legends and folklore. Symbolically, it relates a tale of death and rebirth, a theme dating as far back to the very beginnings of conscious mankind, transforming into an essential role in all of the major religions and ideologies and even sustaining itself amongst popular culture. Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, renewed and shining as before, we can harness opportunities in our lives that seem bleak, dark, and draining to turn it around and rejuvenate ourselves, become again the person who we really are.

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