Tree where the Birds Go To Die by Kelley Hensing

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Tree where the Birds Go To Die Artwork by Kelley Hensing
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Art Details

Title: Tree where the Birds Go To Die
Date Created: 2014
Copyright: © Kelley Hensing
Genre: Unpublished Art
Mediums: Oils
Views: 638
Posted: 12/4/2015

About the Artist

Kelley Hensing
Member Since November 2015

Projects: Kelley loves creating paintings and drawings, participating in gallery shows and art conventions,(IX being a favorite), working on commissions, freelance illustration and many other interesting design projects.

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This piece debuted Last November at Last Rites Gallery in NYC, as part of my gallery show "The Animal Within". I was experimenting with the concept of a central image surrounded by supporting smaller images, and after a long while of working how how this would work, it ended up becoming one of my favorites. All the birds pictured in this piece were from photos I took around New York, while going about my daily life. The images conjured the thought of dying alone, while being surrounded by busy life as it continues on. I wanted to find a way to immortalize the birds individually while reflecting on the idea of the soul going to a final Place. Everything came together after I found the right story, shared with my by my father after his trip to Scotland. The key line is used in the title.

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