Juggernaut (right front side view) by james herrmann

Juggernaut (right front side view) Artwork by james herrmann
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Art Details

Title: Juggernaut (right front side view)
Date Created: 10-2016
Copyright: © J. M. Herrmann
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Bronze, Sculpture
Views: 1090
Posted: 11/21/2016

About the Artist

james herrmann
Member Since November 2015

Projects: I completed work on a large 11'6" x 4' bronze bas relief for Miami University's geology building representing south west Ohio's marine fauna during the Ordovician time period. I also completed work on a diplodocid dinosaur for the Children's Museum of Indianapolis as part of their renovated "Dinosphere Exhibit".

Location: hamilton ohio

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Juggernaut is my sculpture of a very heavily armored and scaled dragon getting ready to leap down off a tilted layer of rocks. I was inspired to incorperate some gorilla like qualities to the dragon's forequarters for strength and catlike qualities in the dragons hindquarters for agility and speed.

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